Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your prayers support.  We can see the Lord answering.  Reading prayer letters and seeing names that do not ring any bell in your mind can be difficult to pray for, but God honors those prayers.  We pray in faith, even though we do not know the person or the situation, knowing that God understands it all perfectly.  He works on our behalf in His own special way, and I have found in my prayer life that He changes my heart as He answers my prayers.  What a pleasure to be able to approach the throne of the King.
Last month we launched our children's program on Thursday nights.  It is awesome to hear children memorizing the Scripture and hiding it in their heart.  This helps secure their foundation as they grow in their walk with Jesus.  Perhaps you have been experienced the Holy Spirit bringing a verse to your mind at just the right time.  It's a great encouragement, and it was possible because you spent time committing God's word to memory.
We have the opportunity to reach out to our community with the love of Christ this month with our "Kid's Fun Day".  There has been much preparation that has gone into this event, much advertisement, and much prayer.  If you could add your prayers to this effort as we plead with the Lord to bless this event.
Also please pray for a gentleman by the name of Robert.  I had the privilege of sharing Jesus love with Robert this past week.  We will meet again this next week, and my prayer is that he comes to Christ soon.
Thank you for all your support of this ministry, and thank you for taking the time to read this update.  May God bless you all.

In Christ,
Mark Pitts and Family